Download Horemheb: The Forgotten Pharaoh book
ІSBN: 9781445608853
Аthor: Charlotte Booth
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Date: 6.09.2012
Size: 4.45 MB
Horemheb ruled Egypt after Tutankhamun, and was fundamental in bringing Egypt back to the rich and powerful nation it was before Akhenaten took the throne. Rather than simply clearing up the mess left.

. | The Death or Murder of. Ka (pharaoh) - Wikipedia, the free.
Horemheb: The Forgotten Pharaoh
Oedipus, Akhenaton, and the Fall of. | The Death or Murder of.
Horemheb: The Forgotten Pharaoh
Horemheb FactsTutankhamun - Wikipedia, the free.
2162 Niles St. Paul
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Ka, also (alternatively) Sekhen, was a Predynastic pharaoh of Upper Egypt belonging to Dynasty 0. He probably reigned during the first half of the 32nd century BCE. .